News Detail

Standout Spartans: Avalyn Ligon '32 and Coralie Ligon '35

The Steward School
Young entrepreneurs learn about financial literacy
Avalyn Ligon ’32 and Coralie Ligon ’35 were featured in the June 28 issue of the Gloucester-Mathews Gazette. The story, “Never too young to learn financial literacy,” highlights lessons the girls have learned from their grandfather, Jerry Ligon, a retired aviation manager and pilot. Mr. Ligon is teaching the girls about financial literacy in a fun, novel way.

After purchasing bulk bird seed and re-bagging it into gallon-size bags, the three take the bags to local businesses, where customers can purchase them. Mr. Ligon said he is trying to teach his granddaughters to be entrepreneurs … “to find ways to make money that don’t require a lot of investment.”

After collecting their earnings, the girls divide their money three ways: 80 percent goes into an investment account set up by Mr. Ligon; 10 percent goes to helping others; and 10 percent is for Avalyn and Coralie to spend as they wish. Last year, Avalyn’s third-grade teacher read “A Long Walk to Water” to the class; the story teaches about water conditions in South Sudan. Inspired, Avalyn and Coralie donated some of their earnings to Water for South Sudan, which helps provide access to clean water to the people of South Sudan. 

Way to go, Avalyn and Coralie! 

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