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  • Go Blue! Go Gold! Go Spartans!

    We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit!
    How about you?

Text "sparty" to 804-538-3343 to join the event gallery and share your spirited snaps!

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  • About Spirit Week

    JANUARY 27-31
    Spartan detectives … it’s time to solve the Mystery of the Missing Jewels.

    MONDAY: COLOR CLUE The color of the missing jewels will be revealed on Monday. Dress in the color that you think it is!

    TUESDAY: HOLIDAY HINT Red, white, and blue, or Valentine’s bejeweled? Dress in your favorite holiday gear and another clue will be revealed.

    WEDNESDAY: DECADE DETECTIVE Dress in your favorite decade and we’ll share an important historical clue about the quest for our missing jewels.

    THURSDAY: A CAREER CASE Was it Mrs. Haapala in the lunchroom or Mr. Gallagher in the theatre? Dress in your favorite career outfit and get another hint.

    FRIDAY: SPIRIT INVESTIGATIONS Wear lots of blue and gold to the pep rally to help close the case!

    During the school year, Steward holds three spirit weeks, which are loaded with opportunities to dress in specific themes; participate in creative, lighthearted competitions; and show your blue-and-gold pride! Points are awarded to the Blue and Gold teams for contests and over-the-top spirit, and pep rallies are held at the end of each spirit week. The students in each division take turns selecting the themes for spirit weeks. 
  • Earning Blue / Gold Spirit Points

    Want to know how to earn points for your team color? There are several ways.

    Sparticipation Points: At many special events, a QR code will be available to scan and check-in for spirit points. Students who “go the extra mile” by helping with the event will be rewarded extra points from the Spirit Committee. 
    Donation Points: When Spartans make donations to Spirit Week causes, they earn points for their team. This is a great way to help the community and support your team!
    Pop Quiz! Spirit Shirt Edition: The Spartan Squad and teachers will visit classes randomly on Spirit Shirt days and tally the classroom’s blue-and-gold sparticipation points. 

    Spirit Point Form:  Parents, guardians, and faculty or staff may submit Spirit Points when they send students to school wearing their spirit shirts or they attend a Sparticipation event, including athletic games, arts events, and/or Parents Association events. 
  • Spirit Slogans - Contest Open!

    The Spirit Committee needs your help coming up with a slogan for the 2025-26 school year spirit shirts! The slogan should elicit excitement and create pride. 

    Vote for your favorite Spirit Slogan!

    The slogans are in and we are pleased to reveal four spirited options to vote on! Voting will take place through March 27, and the winning slogan will be announced on March 28. After the slogan is decided, a contest will be held for spirit T-shirt designs. View the slogans and vote here.
    Past slogans include “Side by Side in Spartan Pride,” “Spartans Together, Spartans Forever!” “Half a Century Old, Still Brave and BOLD!” “Be Bold, Be Brave, BE SPARTAN!” and “Spartan Strong.” What will the new slogan be?!

    Our past spirit slogans include: 

    • 2024-25: Side by Side in Spartan Pride
    • 2023-24: Spartans Together, Spartans Forever!
    • 2022-23: Half a century old, still brave and bold!
    • 2021-22: Be Bold, Be Brave, Be SPARTAN
    • 2020-21: Spartan Strong
    • 2019-20 : It's a Spartan Thing
    • 2018-19 : Once a Spartan Always a Spartan
    • 2017-18 : Go Bold or Go Home
    • 2016-17 : Always Reppin'
    • 2015-16 : It's On
    • 2014-15 : Make it epic! 
  • Meet our Mascots

    Read more about Steward's second mascot, Spartina. Sparty's best friend! 

Questions? Contact Us

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  • Photo of Carley Hamilton

    Carley Hamilton 

    Marketing & Communications Associate
    (804) 740-3394 x2332
  • Photo of Colleen Carpinelli

    Colleen Carpinelli 

    School Store Manager
    (804) 740-3394 x3501

2024-25 Spirit Shirt

The community voted 

"Side by Side in Spartan Pride"

as the spirit slogan for the 2024-25 school year! Marketing and Communications Associate Kathryn DiPasqua submitted the winning slogan. Congratulations to Andy Orgain ’25 for submitting the winning design

Spirit News

List of 3 news stories.

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