News Detail

One Community, Many Voices

The Steward School
Celebrating diversity 
Many diverse cultures and backgrounds are represented in the Steward community, and on October 20, families gathered for a delicious, fun get-together to celebrate this diversity. The Cultures of Steward Potluck and Cultural Show & Tell, organized by Lower School Spanish Teacher Jen Blanco and Middle School World Languages Teacher Claudia Ramirez, brought Spartans together to share their traditions and cultural heritage through food, music, dance, and art. 

In the Middle School Dining Commons, the nearly 200 attendees were greeted with the aromas of scrumptious foods from around the world: Indian rice; Greek prasopita; Jewish kugel and challah bread; Vietnamese pho; Irish soda bread; Cuban frijoles y arroz; and Italian pizzelle, to name a few. 

Deejay Tiffany Goodman (diversity, equity, and inclusion coordinator) served up a joyful combination of danceable music from around the world, and student artwork celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and curated by Lower/Middle School Visual Arts Teacher Abby Klein captivated guests as they noshed and mingled. 

Kara Freed ’29 enjoyed looking at the colorful variety of student artwork. 

“And of course, I loved trying all the food and learning about other people's cultures!” she said. 

When Middle/Upper School Instrumental Music Teacher John McAlister asked who wanted to gather around for a drumming circle lesson, students and adults alike couldn’t wait to join in. Performances by dance instructor The Salsa Guy and West African storyteller and dancer Dzigbodi Sewordor enthralled and delighted guests. 

Samantha Preston ’30 said, “I enjoyed the food the most at the Cultures of Steward event. I found myself pleasantly surprised by many of the foods I tried.” Samantha also enjoyed learning new dances taught by Ms. Seworder. “My biggest takeaway was learning an African dance,” she said. “I enjoyed it because it was something different from the dances I’m accustomed to.”

“Events like this are a great way to promote cultural understanding and appreciation,” said Ms. Blanco. “It is important to celebrate all the cultures we have on campus. They make our community so special.” 


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The Steward School
11600 Gayton Road
Richmond, VA 23238

phone: (804) 740-3394
fax: (804) 740-1464

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