Our School
Center for Engagement
Health & Wellness

October 17: “How to Raise Mentally Healthy Kids”

The Steward School
Steward to welcome Anne Moss Rogers
The Steward School, with support from the Parents Association, will present its first Parent Speaker Series event of the school year on October 17 at 4 p.m. in Steeber Commons (in the Upper School building). 

Anne Moss Rogers, a nationally recognized mental health speaker, award-winning author, and certified suicide prevention trainer, will present “How to Raise Mentally Healthy Kids: Nine Parenting Tips.” Her talk, which is open to all Steward parents, guardians, and grandparents of JK-12 students, will cover mental health awareness and substance misuse education. Ms. Rogers will share examples of ways that parents and guardians can foster independence and resilience in their children. An RSVP for this free event is requested but not required.
Ms. Rogers’ award-winning book, “Diary of a Broken Mind,” chronicles the story of what led to her son’s suicide at age 20 and answers the “why” behind his addiction and death. Ms. Rogers is also the author of “The Emotionally Naked Blog,” which offers support for those in grief and those who struggle with behavioral health issues. A National Alliance of Mental Illness Virginia board member, she is an expert on emotional wellness, suicide prevention, and youth mental health.

The Parent Speaker Series 
Steward’s Health and Wellness program helps the School community build skills related to resilience, self-awareness, empathy, and informed decision-making. The Parent Speaker Series, led by Health and Wellness Coordinator Kris Marchant, is a popular initiative offered through the program. 

“We are so excited and proud to welcome Ms. Rogers to our community,” said Ms. Marchant. “She brings both professional and personal expertise to the topic of children’s mental health, and we appreciate the support from the Parents Association that makes her visit possible.”

For questions about this presentation, please contact Ms. Marchant. And stay tuned for information about our spring 2024 Parent Speaker Series talk. 

General Contact

The Steward School
11600 Gayton Road
Richmond, VA 23238

phone: (804) 740-3394
fax: (804) 740-1464

Media Contact

If you are a member of the press and would like more information about The Steward School, please contact Director of Marketing and Communications Rachel Williard at rachel.williard@stewardschool.org or (804) 565-2319.

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