Leadership Program

Standout Spartan: Alex Deal '27

The Steward School
A true hero
Alex Deal ’27, who has been a member of the Boy Scouts for five years, did something extraordinary last summer: He saved his grandfather from drowning.  

He was at Smith Mountain Lake with his family, including his grandfather. Having recently earned his boater’s license, Alex jumped at the chance when his grandfather asked if he’d like to drive the Wave Runner to the marina for gas.

Alex, his seven-year-old sister, and his 71-year-old grandfather made it across the lake and were slowing down for the no-wake zone when his grandfather’s hat blew off. When Alex slowly turned the Wave Runner for his grandfather to retrieve the hat, it was broadsided by a wake and all three fell into the water. Alex and his sister were wearing life jackets, but his grandfather (who is unable to swim) was not. Alex swam over to rescue his grandfather, who was panicking and trying not to drown. Alex got his grandfather and his sister back on the wave runner. Witnesses said that the outcome would have been tragic had Alex not kept his cool and responded quickly. Alex’s grandfather credits him with saving his life.

Word of Alex’s heroism spread, and at the May 15 Boy Scouts meeting, he was recognized by the Boy Scouts of America’s National Court of Honor and presented the Honor Medal for Lifesaving. This is awarded to a scout or leader who has demonstrated unusual heroism in saving or attempting to save a life at considerable risk to self.

“My grandfather was at the meeting, and I had no idea the medal was being awarded to me,” said Alex. “I was looking around trying to figure out who I would need to congratulate.”

Alex, who is a troop leader and responsible for younger kids in his patrol, said, “[Thanks to scouting], I have had to learn to be calm under pressure. If I can manage them on a camping trip, I can handle anything.” Scouting, he said, is a great way to make friends and learn important life skills.

We are so proud of you, Alex! 


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