News Detail

Classroom Happenings: Connecting the Dots

The Steward School
A masterpiece of collaboration
On September 15, Steward third graders joined a live virtual event with students from 190 other countries to celebrate International Dot Day with twins Peter and Paul Reynolds, authors and illustrators whose books have captivated young readers for many years. International Dot Day is a global celebration of creativity, courage, and collaboration. 

This year commemorates the 20th birthday of Peter Reynolds’ book “The Dot,” in which Vashti, a girl who believes she can’t draw, finds her inner artist and learns to make her mark on the world. Grade 3 Teachers Andrew Routzahn, Elizabeth Houston, and Ashley Lenhart, who organized the event, collaborated with Lower School Librarian Carlee Cutchin, who read the book to third graders before the meeting with the authors.  

During the gathering, Peter Reynolds smiled broadly as he challenged the students to sketch along with him, and they happily joined in the fun. 

A few days before the meet-and-sketch, the third graders worked with Lower/Middle School Art Teacher Abby Klein to create a dot mural that is now on display in the purple Lower School hallway. 

“The students were excited to create their own original dots using a variety of materials such as colored pencils and watercolor paints,” said Ms. Klein. “They were proud to display their colorful creations inspired by the story!”

Mr. Routzahn noted, “This is the third grade’s second year working with Ms. Klein and Ms. Cutchin to celebrate International Dot Day, which takes place annually. We hope students are continually inspired to make their mark in this ever-changing world. We also encourage them to understand that to tap into their creativity, all it takes is a dot on a page. From that dot, a masterpiece can be displayed for all to see!” 


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Richmond, VA 23238

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