
Middle School Speaker Series Welcomes Frankie Abralind

The Steward School
Celebrating our differences
“Have you ever met someone who turns listening into an art form?”

That’s the question Middle School Academic Dean & Dean of Students Ann Robbins posed to students on January 29 at the Middle School Speaker Series event in the Lora M. Robins Theatre. The students were there to welcome Frankie Abralind, a multi-media artist whose creative work includes painting, writing, and game design. Mr. Abralind (uncle to the Tribble siblings Caroline ’29, Lochlan ’26, and Thatcher ’26) is a public speaker and TEDx presenter who specializes in the topic of neurodiversity — or, as he prefers, “how different kinds of brains work.”

“Hello, party people!” said Mr. Abralind exuberantly as he took the stage. “I’m an artist and game inventor.” Pointing to the giant screen behind him, he grinned and said, “I recently saw my game, Dumb questions to ask your friends, which you see up here, at a Target store!” He paused briefly before adding, “Also, I am autistic. Look at my shirt! It looks like it says, ‘beautiful chapstick,’ but within that phrase is another word: ‘autistic.’” 

New Perspectives 
Mr. Abralind then invited Ms. Robbins to join him onstage to play Brainspin, a game he invented that celebrates neurodiversity. A collection of 54 different cards, each printed with a simple black shape, Brainspin tasks players to time themselves for one minute and write down everything they see in a particular shape. On the screen was a simple graphic. 

“Each of us will write down all the different things we think this figure looks like,” explained Mr. Abralind. “Then we’ll read aloud our findings. Go!” The Middle Schoolers, captivated, sat quietly as Mr. Abralind and Ms. Robbins scribbled their answers. Reading their answers out loud (Ms. Robbins: “brain, peanut, hamburger bun”; Mr. Abralind: “coffee bean, shell of a ladybug, two colliding snowballs”) illustrated how each of us sees the world from a different perspective. 
Game Changers
Mr. Abralind then exclaimed, “Ok, students … grab a Brainspin card from … UNDER YOUR SEAT!” The Middle Schoolers giggled with excitement as they reached for their cards. “For one minute, write down everything you see on your card. Five, four, three, two, one … go!” After one minute, he asked for volunteers to share their answers, and hands flew up in the air. 

“I see a key, a train seat, a mouse with a tail, and a tire swing!” said a student about the card he had. A classmate, who held a different Brainspin card, said thoughtfully, “I see a bed, a chair, a ski lift, and a cup with a straw.” Several other students shared what they saw on their cards. Mr. Abralind was wowed by the students’ enthusiasm. “Such a diversity of brains in the audience!” he said. “And you can play this game anywhere!”

Reflecting on Mr. Abralind’s talk, Evangeline King ’31 said, “I learned that everyone has a different mind and view on the world and that those are unique to them.” She added, “I saw and experienced how each and every one of us has a different perspective on things.”

Inspired to Create
Lower/Middle School Visual Arts Teacher Abby Klein was thrilled to meet Mr. Abralind. 

"One of the highlights of his visit was learning about his Kool-Aid pouring art process, a technique he uses to create vibrant, expressive pieces," said Ms. Klein. "A few days after his talk, I stocked up on a variety of Kool-Aid flavors and colors, excited to try it out. The eighth-grade art students then had the opportunity to try the project themselves in art class, engaging in a creative, hands-on learning experience."  

Steward’s core values (inspiration, care & respect, academic achievement, individuality, and civil discourse) are integrated into every aspect of the school experience, and the Middle School Speaker Series exemplifies these values. Ms. Robbins was thrilled with the students’ reactions to Mr. Abralind’s talk. 

“Mr. Abralind’s positive words and engaging activities reinforced that we are all different, and that those differences are what make each of us shine … and more importantly, our teams and community stronger,” she said. “His talk also reminded us that empathy and compassion keep us connected to one another. Each conversation I had with Mr. Abralind showed his compassion and empathy and it was a gift to work with him through this experience. Students walked away energized, curious, and reflective, and hopefully a little more prepared to be better listeners. We hope to continue to make connections in the classroom about the importance of their perspective and may even play a few games, too! We are so thankful to Mr. Abralind for joining us!” 

Interested in learning more about presenting at a Middle School Speaker Series event? Please contact Ms. Robbins


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