On Sunday, April 27, The Steward School will once again host a Rise Against Hunger meal-packing event on campus. Rise Against Hunger meals are served around the globe in medical clinics, vocational training programs, elder care facilities, and schools. The event takes place in the multi-purpose gym in the Athletic Center, and your help is needed with this service-driven project. Sign up today.
Helping Hands In all, 125 volunteers are needed to make this a successful event. Setup will take place from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., meal packing will take place from 1-3 p.m., and cleanup will take place from 3-3:45 p.m. The meal packets will be sent to developing nations throughout the world.
“We welcome faculty, staff, alumni, families, and friends who can assist with this service project,” said Coordinator of Service Learning and Engagement Alexa Bolt. “This is a great way to meet other members of the Steward community, help those in need, and have fun!”
If you are a member of the press and would like more information about The Steward School, please contact Director of Marketing and Communications Rachel Williard at rachel.williard@stewardschool.org or (804) 565-2319.
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